4 Essentials for Script Writing for Videos: Narrative Arc, Anecdotes, Information and Good Writing

Businesses use videos for many different reasons. A video might be an advertisement which is shown on TV or on the internet. But videos can also be used for instructional purposes, such as the safety videos you see on airlines. Additionally, businesses use videos for training purposes when they want to teach their staff certain tasks. So videos have many uses in businesses and script writing for videos is an important task.
The script forms the basis for the video, so it determines the shape that the video will take. If the script is interesting and engaging, then it’s likely the video will be too. Of course, a great deal depends on the shooting of the video itself—the photography, sound and editing that goes into it. However, a great script can make a huge difference. So if you’re looking for script writing for videos, you might want to make sure that your script contains the following elements:
- Narrative arc. When it comes to advertisements on TV and the internet, you’ll notice that they usually contain a story line. The girl who had bad skin used the cosmetic product and now has a flawless appearance. Of course, this also means that the guy who hadn’t noticed her before is now hanging on to her every word! You need to consider the human element when telling a story. Everyone wants to be loved, praised and admired. So if you can show them a way to get these things, they’ll be much more interested in watching the video.
- Anecdotes. When it comes to instructional and training videos, it’s hard to have a narrative arc. You just need to make sure that all the information needed is covered in the video. Still, you can make the video more interesting by introducing anecdotes. You’ll notice that many great teachers try to teach by example. You can also do this in your video.
- Information. Once you have your audience hooked with a narrative arc and some interesting anecdotes, the next step is to make sure that the script contains all the information that you need to convey. In order to do this, you’ll have to sit down with the script writer and make sure that they understand everything that needs to go into the video.
- Good writing. A script should be well-written with no spelling and grammatical errors. It’s probably best to keep it short and simple so that everyone who reads it can understand it. A script should explain how many characters are contained in it, what they look like and what their motivations are. It should also give a physical description of the various settings. It should note the entrance and departure of characters from scenes.
Contact us for more great ideas about script writing.
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