CD Duplication for Leadership Coaches, Indie Bands and Authors

CD duplication can be useful for a number of reasons. A lot of people use CDs to transfer or save information. A CD can be used to record music, lectures, seminars, podcasts, demos, etc.
There are times when people are reluctant to download things from the internet because they don’t want to download a virus with it. In such cases, you can always give them CDs with your assurance that there are no viruses on it. Here are some of the people who might be able to use CDs:
Leadership Coaches
If you’re a leadership coach, a CD of one of your lectures/seminars can be very useful for you to carry around and give/sell to people. When someone comes to one of your sessions and wants to take away something, they can always buy your CD.
Many leadership coaches also sell books that they have written, detailing their process. But there are people who don’t like to read books or don’t have the patience for it. For such people, a CD is ideal.
Indie Bands
If you’re an indie band performing at various small venues, you might want to take CDs of your music with you. This will give you some extra income because people love to buy CDs of music which is not easily available elsewhere. It makes them feel that they’ve got something special.
Plus, having these CDs floating around also increases the chances of your being recognized and given a chance with a larger record label.
If you’re an author who has written a book, you want to make sure that you sell as many copies of your book as possible. But there are people who prefer audiobooks. So you can read your book out loud and record it on a CD.
When you’re doing readings, you can sell copies of your print book as well as audiobooks. This will help to increase your overall sales, especially if you are a good reader.
Contact us for more great tips on how CD duplication can help you in your occupation.
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