Digitally Format Your Treasured Photos And Slides

Digitally Format Your Treasured Photos And Slides. Remember those old slides and pictures that are stored in your house? You know, the 35mm standard and double-sided slides stored in binder sleeves, file boxes, or rotary trays? The wallet size, 3.5 × 5, 4 × 6, 5 × 7, 8 × 10, 11 × 13, 16 × 20, and irregular sized pictures stored in countless photo albums and file boxes? What happens if these treasures are damaged by fire, water, or just by the passing of time?
The sure thing to preserve these treasured memories and artifacts of history is to transfer those slides and pictures to a digital format. That way they can be stored on a computer, a USB or hard drive, CD or DVD, or on a computer cloud, all out of harm’s way.
Now, it may seem like a daunting task to gather all of these keepsakes to be formatted digitally but there are companies, such as Advanced Media Integration, who can help make this easier for your peace of mind.
Digitally Format for Better Organization
- Try to start with the pictures and slides that are the most aged and any that are frayed or have corners bent or ripped off. Those have the most chance of getting even more damaged.
- Try to put them in some sort of order so that AMI can scan the images in order of event and timeline. It will make organizing your digital images easier.
- If the pictures or slides have information like dates or names written on the frames or the backs of the individual slides or pictures, ask AMI if the scan can include this information.
Digital images can be scanned from 1500 to 4000 dpi. The dpi setting that you choose depends on what you will be doing with the digital images.
If you plan on printing images 5 × 7 or smaller, emailing the images, or putting them on a website, 1500 dpi would probably be best.
For the highest quality to archive and print, 3000 to 4000 dpi would be the best recommendation.
Contact us here at Advanced Media Integration to transfer your old 35mm slides and family photos to a digital format.
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