3 Reasons Why Media Producers Still Need CDs

The dire prediction that CDs and other discs are dying out has been around as long as CDs has been around. But physical compact discs are still a standard tool in the majority of industries. Even though digital copies and constant streaming access are changing many individual consumers’ habits, that doesn’t mean you can go forego CDs entirely. Here are three reasons why you still need them:
1. ‘Digital release only’ is seen as 2nd tier.
Having digital releases without a physical counterpart can carry the connotation of a ‘straight to DVD’ release in the movie world. Not only does having production in multiple mediums give your creation additional legitimacy, but many reviewers and agencies also need a physical disc to start reviewing or assessing. Make sure you hit every checkbox you need to make a good first impression.
2. CDs are physical advertisement tools.
Every CD needs to be covered in graphics and an equally eye-catching case. This makes your company or band name more recognizable, especially if the print job is high-quality. Once you get your CD on some shelves, it also increases your target market’s exposure to your brand.
3. Don’t whittle down your market.
Not every person who’s a good fit for your film or music will be able to find you online. Sometimes you have to reach out to them through alternate means, especially to establish an initial connection.
The holiday shopping season is also a great time for sales. People are more likely to request a disc than a digital purchase on their wish list, so make sure your stock is ready.
No matter what media you’re creating, digital copies aren’t enough. You need high-quality compact discs that can be replicated quickly and fully packaged with great graphics. Go to Advanced Media Integration to see which discs and packages are the best fit for you.
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