Acceptable File Types for CD, DVD, or Blu-Ray Artwork?

Setting up your artwork for your next CD, DVD, or Blu-Ray project is an important step that will not only showcase your project, but also your company or organization. Ensuring the correct setup and file type will save you time but could also save you money. Graphic design and setup fees can really add up, so it is important to provide the correct files the first time to avoid these unnecessary costs. The following tips and suggestions will help make sure your next media project goes as smoothly as possible.
Preferred File Types
The preferred file types for disc face labels, inserts, wraps and sleeves are EPS, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, or a Layered PDF. These file types enable modification as needed and will provide the best results. If you intend on using one of these file types, do not merge or flatten any layers of your Photoshop or Illustrator files. This will prevent any adjustments that may be needed.
Acceptable File Types
Additional file types that are acceptable include; JPG and TIFF images and standard PDF files. When using these file types it is important to make sure the image quality is at least 300 dpi and that the template is not visible. Because these file types are not editable, no major adjustments or changes can be made.
Additional File Requirements
- Use RGB color mode for orders under 1000 and CMYK mode for orders of 1000 or greater.
- Do not merge or flatten any layers of your Photoshop or Illustrator files.
- Package any links and fonts in your Photoshop or Illustrator files.
- For best results, ensure image quality is 300 dpi or greater.
If you have an questions regarding artwork setup or your media project in general, contact us today and one of our customer service representatives can assist you!
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