Beginners Guide to Using a digital camera

Whether you are taking photos for the family album, setting up a magazine spread, or you just want to share something with others, you want a clear, sharp image. Using a digital camera provides a wealth of tools to help you get the best images possible, but sharp photos come down to only three things; focus, freezing the frame, and keeping the camera steady.
Even if you are just starting out in photography, you already know that the key to a great photograph is to focus on the image you are trying to capture. However, depending on your camera, what you want to focus on and what the camera thinks you want it to focus on are two different things. If your camera uses auto-focus, it will target the object that is closest to it, and in the middle of the frame. If there is anything between the camera and your target, the closest thing will be sharp, while your actual target is soft.
The best way to ensure that your digital camera focuses on the correct thing is to change the settings so that you control the AF point. These settings are usually noted as Single Point AF or Select AF. This mode will allow you to use the camera controls to choose the focus point you want the camera to use. After you have your AF point set, press the shutter release down to the half-way point to ensure that the camera is focused on the correct object. If so, press the release all the way down to take the photo.
Freezing the Frame
Image sharpness also depends on whether you are photographing a moving target or a stationary one. If you are taking a photo of a moving object, you will need to adjust the shutter speed and sensitivity settings on your camera. You will need to consider how fast the subject is moving, and adjust your shutter speed accordingly. For fast-moving objects, the best option would be 1/500 sec. The sensitivity (IOS) settings may vary from one camera to another, but a good rule of thumb is to avoid the highest settings – otherwise your photo will have a lot of noise.
Maintaining a Steady Camera
The final step in capturing sharp images is to keep the camera as steady as possible. While a tripod makes the most sense for absolute stillness, that is not always handy (or available). Therefore, you have to let your hands and arms do the work. Always use two hands to hold your camera, and try to allow your elbows to rest against your sides. Once you have everything set, you should be able to hold the camera steady while you push the shutter release.
If you follow these three steps, you will be well on your way to capturing crisp, sharp images using your digital camera. You may not get the perfect shot every time, but a little practice will help. If you want to find out more about choosing the best options for sharper images, contact us for more information.
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on September 3, 2014 - 00:50:37This is the best useful post for choose good digital camera
Thank you