What You Need in Preparation for CD Duplication Services

Distributing CDs is a necessity for some businesses, and to do this, you need to use CD duplication services. While it is perfectly fine to get into contact with a CD duplication company to ask some questions, there are certain things that you need to do to prepare for getting your CDs duplicated.
The Master
Quite possibly the most important part of the process is the master. It is essential to make sure everything with the master is right, and exactly how you want it to be in the final production. Having a great deal of patience in the analysis of the master will help you avoid any crucial mistakes that could lead to a negative impact or impression on your business, or even require you to do a new CD duplication run.
Provide or Get Package Design
If you have already created the package design, then you are good to go. Make sure to fit it into the templates provided by the company you are going to use to get the right fitting on the first try, see our templates here: AMIFW Templates.
Alternatively, if you are opting for package design services, you will want to gather any images, text, ideas, and give them to a designer so that they can create an ideal design to meet your needs. We are a full service firm, if you do not have design work completed, one of our artists would love to help you.
Intellectual Property Rights Form
Since you are asking to duplicate a CD in a large quantity, it is natural to assume that you must prove the content being duplicated is indeed yours. With this in mind, you will need to gather or keep the information on hand that allows you to prove ownership in an Intellectual Property Rights form.
Following these steps will help you have a smooth CD duplication experience.
Contact us for more information on our services or with any questions you may have.
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