Experience the Joy of Sharing Photos by Going Digital

If you have a number of old photos or slides that are lying in your attic, you can consider having them transferred to a digital format. Old photos are likely to disintegrate after some time. The photos themselves become more and more faded; the paper on which they are printed also tends to crumble. Slides are also vulnerable to the elements and are likely to lose their original form after a while.
The Joy of Sharing Photos
Plus, what’s the point of keeping old photos in the attic where no one can see them? Wouldn’t you rather share them with friends and family? Wouldn’t you rather have them on your computer or your phone where you can look at them from time to time?
Albums vs. Digital Format
If you’re an old school person who prefers looking through albums, that’s great. But you can keep the albums and transfer the photos as well so that when the original photos have disintegrated, you’ll still have the digital versions to fall back on. Plus, you can also get new albums made, simply by printing out these digital photos and pasting them in a new album. So there’s really no reason why you shouldn’t get your photos and slides transferred right away.
Having Fun with Digital Photos
Remember that there’s a lot you can do with your digital photos besides just keeping them on your computer.
- You can make them into your screensaver or your wallpaper (on your computer and your phone).
- You can have a display panel in your living room in which the photo changes every few minutes.
- You can blow the digital photo up, print it out and frame it for your living room.
- You can make a digital collage and post it on social media for your friends and family to see.
- You can also do a comparison of old photos and new photos and post these on social media.
In fact, putting your old photos and slides into a digital format will enable you to enjoy them in a number of different ways.
Contact us for more information about converting your photos and slides into a digital format.
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