Historical Letter Scanning

Advanced Media Integration scans handwritten documents like old letters and holiday cards. We help preserve even the most fragile paper collectibles. The format lets you revisit treasured memories without concerning yourself with deterioration.
You can keep the originals safe and be able to read those letters whenever you want. Share or add them to a digital photo book or slideshow. Historical letter scanning is the best way to hold onto written words that impact you personally.
Why Scan Letters and Envelopes?
Letters capture a personal moment in time. You can have a ton of photos, videos, and old movies, but nothing compares to a letter. It’s intimate communication that keeps connections alive.
A love letter that touches your heart every time you take it out. The writings of someone on active duty keep them alive in your heart. Holiday cards from those who are no longer with us.
Create a digital log of memories. Share and keep them alive for generations.
Is Faded Writing Worth Saving?
It may not be easy to recreate a perfect duplication, but our experts can tweak the image for legibility. Every old document needs unique treatment to reverse the negative impact of time. Even the creased folds leave damage.
Scanning letters is a great way to save both the memory and the physical letter. Yeah, your printer has a built-in scanner, but that’s a generic operation that gives you what you see and nothing more.
We’ve seen home scans deliver uncertain results. Sections of text may be dark or unreadable. Blank space will be muddied, making it hard to make out words.
Imagine digitally archiving a letter 10, 25, or even 50 years old. Imagine not having to dig through the dust and potentially damaging cherished letters. Imagine being able to read them at your whim.
Historical Letter Scanning
Advanced Media Integration loves the idea of historical letter scanning. To learn more, contact one of our experts.
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