Preserve Your Family Memories with Beta Tape Transfers to DVD

Sometimes organizing your garage or basement feels a little like a treasure hunt, other times it may feel more like opening up an old time capsule. As you decide what to keep and what to part with, you may discover items that have lost their usefulness with modern technology but are still meaningful to you.
For instance, you may still have beta tapes with precious home videos recorded to them. When VHS tapes won the popularity battle, beta player stopped being manufactured and now you can’t even find them in thrift stores. Beta tapes can not be enjoyed by anyone now, but that doesn’t mean the content recorded to your beta tapes has to be lost forever.
You can have your beta tapes preserved for generations to come on a format that you and you family can enjoy. Beta tape transfers to dvd allow you to save the memories and have fewer boxes of clutter taking up space in your storage areas.
If beta was a format someone in your family used on a regular basis, there may be more beta tapes out there in the homes of your relatives. Before you have your beta tapes transferred, you may want to check with your siblings as well as your extended family members to see if anyone else still has beta tapes they’re holding on to because they don’t want to throw out the memories, even though they can’t access the footage on their own anymore.
To learn more about our process and receive a price estimate please contact us.
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