Professional Website Development For A Better Business

Have you been on Instagram, or Pinterest lately, and wondered how Perko’s Pancake Palace has a photo spread that looks like something that came out of Good Housekeeping? Or seen a YouTube video from Hellga’s Home-Care Services that looks like a Super Bowl commercial?
Getting your product recognized, and traffic to your site, can be as easy as pinning one great picture, or running one five second video. A video that says it all, conveys exactly what you stand for, looks professional, and gets your customers interested in a few seconds, sound simple? Well maybe not.
If a business isn’t taking advantage of social-media, search engine optimization, and all of the glorious fruits of the internet, it’s missing out on a big slice of the pie. Free advertising, traffic to the company website, and exposure to contacts, are just a few of the social-media perks. If you write an amazing blog, but no one knows about it, therefore no one reads it, did you really write an amazing blog in the first place? If a tree falls in the forest…you know where this is going.
It’s important to recognize that without the right look, customers these days are not going to move forward, and they won’t give you a second chance. Something as simple as a poorly designed website, or any bad visual representation of what you have to offer, can turn a future customer away from ever setting foot through your actual doors. Business owners aren’t dealing with the same deck of cards they were five years ago; 15 seconds of fame, yeah right, you get 5 seconds, and it better be good. A huge part of the market is driven by teens, and twenty somethings, and they have thousands of texts to respond to, hundreds of YouTube videos to watch, and very little patience for anything that isn’t HD.
E-commerce is all about visual perception; you’re only as good as your last video, website update, or your last blog. Professional website development may be exactly what your company needs to get business to come to you. Not only do bad websites mean missing out on potential, they can be the death of a business. Assuming this aspect can be handled in-house, without a pro can ruin a companies chances. And the really sad part these days, they’re fooling no one. According to Forbes, “If you’ve ignored previous warnings and your business isn’t taking advantage of responsive web design right now or planning on it in the very near future, you are in danger of going out of business this year.”
The internet is a mysterious place, and when business owners aren’t equipped with the proper tools, it’s like taking a homemade star-ship into an intergalactic battle, it’ll be really hard to navigate, and good luck making it out alive.
Please contact us for more information.
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