When to Follow and When to Ignore the Rules of Script Writing

Different filmmakers work in different ways. Some use the script just as a basic guide; they feel free to make changes to it as they go. As they get more information, they might modify the script accordingly. Plus, sometimes, your actors also tend to wing it by adding their own ideas to their dialogues. But there are other filmmakers who refer strictly to the script and refuse to make any changes to it.
Introducing a Sense of Flow
No matter what type of filmmaker you might be, you still need a good script to start with if you want to make a good film. The most important thing is for a script to have a flow. The things which the actors say and the way that they act should flow naturally.
Following the Law of Cause and Effect
The dialogue should make sense. The audience should understand why people are talking about the things they are talking about. They should understand why they are acting the way they are acting. The action of the script should follow the laws of cause and effect.

Introducing Suspense
Once in a while, in order to introduce a sense of suspense, you can ignore this rule. You can have a character act in a way that doesn’t make sense. And in the end, you can reveal why they acted the way they acted. But by and large, it’s important to maintain the flow so that the audience can follow what is going on.
Ignoring the Law of Cause and Effect
There are times when people choose deliberately not to have a sense of flow. They may choose to write in an experimental way which does not follow the rules of cause and effect. For example, you may decide to tell a story in a non-chronological way. So you might see what happens later in time before what happens earlier. Or everything might be mixed up only to come together in the end.
Bringing It Together in the End
In general, it’s a fact that everything does have to somehow make sense in the end. There are very few scripts that can get away with an ambiguous ending. And if you’re going to do it in your story, then you need to at least make sure that it’s a compelling story overall.
Contact us for more great scriptwriting tips for videos.
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