Indulge Your Nostalgic Side by Transferring Photos and Slides

There’s nothing as much fun as looking at old photos and slides. No matter how well you think you remember a certain time, a photo or a slide from that time is sure to surprise you. And it’s even more fun to show these old photos around to friends and family and ask, “Can you believe that’s me? I used to look so different!”
Get a Little Nostalgic with Old Photos and Slides
If the photo is of a special event such as a wedding, then it’s going to be especially meaningful. But even if it’s just a regular photo of a regular day, it will forcibly bring back the memories of that time and give you the opportunity to indulge a little nostalgia. This is why it’s a good idea to get your old photos and slides transferred to a CD/DVD and ensure that they’ll always be there for you to look at when you’re feeling nostalgic.
Preserve Old Photos/Slides by Transferring to DVD
Whereas photos, which are printed on paper, are likely to deteriorate quickly and slides are likely to fade, photos that have been transferred to a digital format will continue to exist in that format forever, without any deterioration. Yes, the CD/DVD on which you get them might deteriorate after about 60 years or so, but you can always transfer them to another CD/DVD or to your computer or phone before the DVD deteriorates. With your photos and slides transferred to DVD, you need never fear that your photos are going to fade or crumble.
Photos as Conversation Starters and Gifts
Just imagine how much fun you’ll have sitting around with your friends and reliving the good ole times with the help of old photographs and slides. You’ll never be short of conversation on family occasions. And if you’d like to surprise a loved one with something special, then a photo/slide transfer can be the perfect gift.
Contact us to learn more about transferring your photos and slides to CD/DVD.
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