Try These Methods to Take Sharper Photos

One of the first things any beginner photographer should learn is taking sharp photos free of movement and noise. For many beginner photographers, your first few images may include poor focus and pixelation as a result of camera shaking. Though this is certainly frustrating in the beginning, there are several ways it can be combatted. Here are three things you can try to fix the problem.
1. Increase your ISO
When you increase your ISO, you directly affect the noise quality of your photo – that is, any pixelation it may have. With a higher ISO, you can choose a faster shutter speed and smaller aperture, which can help in sharpening your images. Though this might result in some noise in your photo, it can be edited out with Photoshop.
2. Increase your shutter speed
A higher shutter speed means a lowered possibility of a photo being impacted by movement. Your photo subject will “freeze,” so to speak, and result in a clear image. If you choose to go this route, keep in mind that anything slower than 1/60th of a second with a 50mm lens might not give you the results you want.
3. To prevent camera shake, use a tripod and/or hold still
It can be difficult to hold a camera completely still, which is why some photos may have an unintentional blurry effect. This is called camera shake, and it happens when your camera moves as your shutter is open. To fix this, try mounting your camera on a tripod and/or practicing holding your camera with a firmer grip. You can also try leaning against a wall, chair, or any solid surface for the matter when taking photos. This will help keep you still and prevent you from moving.
Interested in learning more ways to take sharper photos? If so, visit our website and/or contact us with questions.
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