What to Know About the Design Process for CD Duplication

Once you have determined that you are going to need CD duplication, you should work on the design process, which will put your CD into a fitting and attractive package. However, if you do not already have a design to use, you can get professional services to create a completely unique design.
If this process is unfamiliar to you, it is beneficial to learn how the design process goes to make sure you prepare correctly, along with make timely decisions when you need to make them.
Take Your Ideas or Theirs to Make a Design
In some cases, you might already have particular ideas for how you want the CD package design to be, and this is when it is important to do whatever you need to do to get across your wants and needs.
Whether this involves drawing sketches, writing detailed descriptions, or showing examples of previous CD package designs that you have found while browsing online, you should use any method that works.
On the other hand, you might not know what you really want, and this is when you can leave it up to the professional to create a design based on the basic concepts that you like.
Send in a Proof for You to Analyze
Once the design process gets started, they will eventually send you a proof. These proofs are often emailed to you and need to be reviewed to determine if any changes need to be made beforehand.
Make Changes Until Satisfied
It is important to be meticulous with your analysis during this part, especially because you do not want to regret not being thorough enough and having to do the complete run over again.
Taking the design process one step at a time can help you have a positive experience.
Contact us if you have any questions about CD duplication.
Veronica Teller
on July 13, 2015 - 13:46:03Great post about the CD duplication process. I like that you emphasized the importance of making changes until you are completely satisfied with the product. So often, we just settle for a finished product because we are tired of tinkering it. We should always push to make changes until satisfied, especially if we are paying for a service.