Amateur Photography: Leave a Legacy

Susan grew up watching her dad take snapshots of the family, stills of nature and black and white pieces of art that only his eye could see until the photograph was developed.
He was not a photographer by trade. He was a military man. The U.S. Navy, but he had the gift of seeing life differently.
As an adult Susan picked up the camera and tried to be like her father. She never thought her pictures were as creative as his, but she never gave up.
The world of digital made it far less stressful to take many shots, sometimes hundreds, at one birthday party or football game. She found she could comb through each frame and choose the best photographs before deleting the rest. She learned to play with color and cropping to create more pictures from the existing file.
Although she wasn’t ready to put herself out there yet, her knack for amateur photography was getting better with each project.
When Susan felt her hours of practice and creative thought had reached the level worth sharing, she stepped up and out by taking her son’s senior prom pictures, editing them to their best appearance and then placing them on social media for the world to see.
This was a difficult step for her. The world can be a cruel place, even friends can make comments that are harsh and hurtful.
And the comments came.
Much to her surprise, the people had wonderful things to say about her eye for a great picture. Soon, friends were inquiring, wondering if Susan would use her talents to capture their special family moments.
Sometimes, Susan pulls out the works of art her father left her. Each one is a lasting testimony to his soft heart that was blanketed in a large mans frame. He left this world several years ago, but when she looks through his pictures she feels his presence and hears his laughter.
She enjoys thinking that perhaps someday, in the far future, her grandchildren will look at their great granddad’s photos as well as hers as they easily pop in the slideshow dvd from Advanced Media Integration.
And maybe, just maybe, one of her grandchildren will pick up the camera and carry on a great tradition of amateur photography.
Can you relate to Susan’s story? Contact us for more great tips and insights to great amateur photography.
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