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Setting the Pace for Your Video with Video Editing

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Team Recording Video

In many ways, a video is incomplete without editing. There may be times when you take a short video for just a few seconds and post it directly on social media. But most of the time, when you’re creating a video, you have to join various scenes together in order to come up with something resembling a story. Continue reading

Celebrate Meaningful Moments by Transferring Home Videos to DVD

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Family Celebrating Meaningful Moments

Celebrate Meaningful Moments by Transferring Home Videos to DVD. When you take a home video, you’re capturing a moment which is never going to come again. It might be a very special moment like your baby’s first steps or Christmas time with family. It might be an embarrassing moment, such as when your kid is trying to smile with braces. Or it might be a triumphant moment such as a school graduation. Different people like to capture different types of things.

And some home videos may not even involve any milestones. Maybe you just saw a plastic bag floating in the wind and decided to take a video of that.

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Have Recorded Beta Tapes But No Machine? Transfer Them To DVDs

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Beta Tapes

You may think when you hear the term a Beta or Betamax videotape, that there is just the one type, which is the consumer videotape, put out by Sony in 1975, that went head to head with the JVC VHS videotape and failed.  However, it appears that Sony did not give up their concept of sharing in the videotape market after its failure.  They produced a few upgraded types of videotapes targeting the professional TV and media recording and broadcasting market. Continue reading