The Importance of Script Writing

One of the first steps for creating a video project is the script writing. A script is necessary whether a video project is a feature length motion picture, a short training video or even an account of a family vacation. A script is a document that describes the video, which includes descriptions of the various shots and any dialogue/voice overs.
A script also serves as a planning device for the video. It describes the stock footage that is used, which locations where certain scenes will be shot, what occurs in each shot, and what is included in each shot. Will there be a voice over narrating the video or will there be an onscreen actor doing the narration? Will there be action going on in each of the shots? Is the video narrative, i.e. telling a coherent story from beginning to end, or is it descriptive, with each shot describing something that the maker of the video wishes to explain? The relationship of a script to the video is like that of blueprints to a building.
The nature of the script is determined as much by the budget the client is willing to pay for the video as what it will depict. A script is just as vital for a simple video, shot on a minimal budget, as it is for a feature length documentary. Having a script in hand, with every shot and every action planned out in advance, allows the video to be shot relatively quickly, saving on expense.
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