Why You Need VHS Tape Transfers to DVD

In our changing world of digital technology, we rarely hear the term VHS tape anymore, except when it comes to preserving them. Some people do not even own a VHS tape recorder anymore, so it is impossible for those people to preserve their media to the new digital formats. VHS tape has basically been a slow-dying dinosaur, accepting its slow march to death, in lieu of the digital media that has so quickly marched to the front to take its place. But VHS tape transfers to DVD are still very important in order to avoid losing what time threatens to take away.
So, if you have important VHS tapes you care about, remember that every day, the quality will degrade and one day the entire video will be stolen away by time and the elements.
Here are 5 tips you can try to keep your VHS tapes in tact as long as possible and perhaps extend the life of them somewhat:
Keep VHS tapes in a dust-free environment, away from TV’s or other video or sound equipment. Getting them too close to televisions can hasten the degrading process. A VHS tape is composed of tiny, unseen iron oxide particles which are perfectly lined up on blank media. Then, when you record something onto them, the iron oxide particles align themselves into unique patterns, based on the material contained within. Then over time, the iron oxide particles begin to disseminate into their own patterns, losing the picture clarity and sound quality you once had. This is why it is so important to preserve them to DVD or BLU RAY disc before this process happens.
Remember that the time window you have available to capture your memories to DVD is around 10 years at the most from the time you filmed the VHS video. Think about how old most of your VHS tapes are. The clock is ticking.
The average video cassette lasts around 10 years, then slowly but ever surely, they will be incapable of restoring. The average DVD is predicted to last over 100 years! That’s a pretty good reason to back them up and use a VHS tape transfer service. That’s what we do. We’ve been doing it for a long time. If we can help you preserve your memories on DVD, contact us. Remember, the clock is ticking, check out our VHS tape transfers to DVD webpage.
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