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Using Perspective and Composition to Achieve a Better Photograph

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Whether you’re an amateur photographer who takes photos with your phone or a professional who knows everything there is to know about various types of cameras and lenses, there are certain things you should keep in mind to help you take a good photograph. For example, what exactly is perspective? And how do you use it to take a good photo? How do you make sure a photograph has a balanced composition? And what impact do the colors in a photo have on composition? Continue reading

Digitally Format Your Treasured Photos And Slides

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digitally format

Digitally Format Your Treasured Photos And Slides. Remember those old slides and pictures that are stored in your house?  You know, the 35mm standard and double-sided slides stored in binder sleeves, file boxes, or rotary trays?  The wallet size, 3.5 × 5, 4 × 6, 5 × 7, 8 × 10, 11 × 13, 16 × 20, and irregular sized pictures stored in countless photo albums and file boxes?  What happens if these treasures are damaged by fire, water, or just by the passing of time? Continue reading

The Many Uses of CD Replication

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CD Replication

From music albums to audiobooks, CDs have become synonymous with audio entertainment. You can use CDs for many purposes. Meditation gurus have started putting out CDs of guided meditations. Authors who write books often offer CDs which have something to do with the subject they are writing about. And if you’re an upcoming band, you can also get short-run CD replication so that you’ll always have a CD on hand to give to someone who might be interested in it. In short, if there’s an interesting topic that can be shared in an audible format, CD duplication can help with that. Continue reading