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Setting Your Camera’s White Balance

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White Balance

There are several ways to set the white balance on your DSLR. Your DSLR should have the following white balance settings: auto (AWB), daylight, tungsten, fluorescent, flash, cloudy, shade and custom. There may be others or these may have a different name, sunlight instead of daylight, for example. The most common setting used by beginning photographers is the AWB, or auto white balance setting. This setting lets the camera decide what it thinks is the best white balance by evaluating the scene. Most of the time, the camera gets it right, but not always. Continue reading

How to Achieve a Polished Business Video

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Business Video

Businesses these days have many more opportunities to advertise than in the past. With many businesses participating in both traditional and online digital marketing, they have a wider audience to reach. At the same time, with the broader reach comes the need for more content. According to all the studies, video content captivates both online and traditional type viewers. Having engaging videos as part of your inbound marketing campaign is a sure way to attract leads. However, there are several steps to creating videos that a business may want to consider outsourcing. Continue reading