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Social Media and Marketing: Three Keys to Success

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Whether you are a veteran small business owner or just learning the ropes, marketing is vital. This is especially true in the beginning stages of your business; nobody knows about your services, and they have no incentive to use them! Thus, marketing is a necessity. Fortunately, we live in an era where there are multiple tools at our fingertips to complement and boost our marketing power. Below are just three of the reasons why social media is critical for marketing. Continue reading

3 Integral Script Writing Guidelines

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Script writing guidelines. Somewhat paradoxically, script writing for videos is both the simplest art form and the most complex. A script is just words on a page, but it is also the vehicle that drives your entire production and communicates your vision to your team. Without a good script, your production could run into unnecessary (and often costly) delays or worse: lose its fidelity to your original artistic vision. Follow these three integral guidelines to ensure your original idea makes it all the way to the silver screen. Continue reading

Smartphone Photography vs. DSLR Photography

Posted in Fort Wayne, Photography and tagged , , ,

Technology has evolved immensely for photography in ways we never would have imagined. In recent years, our options for photography ranged from small, pocket-sized digital point and shoots to the very popular but much larger DSLR (digital single-lens reflex) cameras. Professional photographers and photo journalists use the DSLR camera for many of their projects. It has become a very powerful tool for a variety of shooting styles. The smart phone has also become a powerful asset for photography in a smaller package. It has been growing in popularity for the camera function alone which has improved picture quality. Continue reading