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Amateur Photography: Leave a Legacy

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Susan grew up watching her dad take snapshots of the family, stills of nature and black and white pieces of art that only his eye could see until the photograph was developed.

He was not a photographer by trade. He was a military man. The U.S. Navy, but he had the gift of seeing life differently.

As an adult Susan picked up the camera and tried to be like her father. She never thought her pictures were as creative as his, but she never gave up.

The world of digital made it far less stressful to take many shots, sometimes hundreds, at one birthday party or football game. She found she could comb through each frame and choose the best photographs before deleting the rest. She learned to play with color and cropping to create more pictures from the existing file. Continue reading

Photography Tips: Capturing the Moment

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Many people take their own pictures, and that’s great.  However, there is a difference between taking photos and taking good photos.  Capturing the moment may be good enough at times, but there is also something to be said for high quality photos that stand out.  These are the photos that guests notice when they visit.  Here are a few basic photography tips for anyone who enjoys taking photos, but can’t quite get them to look like they want. Continue reading

Blu-ray Duplication and Replication for Your Video

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Producing a video used to be so simple. You released a VHS tape and everyone who was interested could take it home and play it in their VCR, well unless they used Betamax. Ok, so formatting has never been a simple issue for video producers. Every now and then, we enjoy a few simple years where it seems like everyone is on the same page with technology, but then someone innovates, someone else releases a competing product and the late adopters wait it out. In the mean time, you’re left wondering how to reach the most potential viewers. Continue reading