Using Drones for Aerial Photography

People who get into drone flying do so with the idea of using drones for aerial photography. Quad-copters are the perfect type of drones for use in aerial photography. They are able to climb to very high altitudes to provide a great view of an area or landscape. They are also able to carry on board cameras that can photograph large areas and record a dazzling array of perfect images.
There are two types of cameras that can be used effectively on quad-copters. Built in cameras like those used in smart phones are available. The main problems with these is the quality of the camera’s resolution. Typically, the resolution is 640 by 480 pixel. This is good, but not at the level of being professional quality.
High end on board cameras have up to 1080 pixel resolution. They can also record footage to a SD card able to be lifted from a drone after it lands. Another great feature of this type of camera are LCD equipped controllers that gives a view of what the camera is recording. This allows the on ground operator to perfect and adjust the camera to most desired aerial shots.
An outboard camera can be attached to the drone underneath the central housing. High grade outboard cameras can create professional photography and video. Even movie cameras can be attached to drones, but only to larger quad-copters that can handle the weight.
To get more information on using drones for aerial photography, and to learn about Advanced Media media Integration, please contact us here.
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