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Preserve Your Health and Your Memories with Photo and Slide Transfers

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Slide Transfers

Slide Transfers: Preserve Your Health and Your Memories. It can be a lot of fun to go through old photos and slides. However, the process of digging them out of the attic, brushing off the dust, and setting up a projector can be quite laborious. Plus, it’s not really healthy to go breathing in all that dust, especially if you are prone to allergies. You’ll probably end up sneezing and coughing so much that you won’t have any time to enjoy the photos that you went through all that trouble to dig up! Continue reading

3 Ways in Which VHS Tapes Deteriorate Over Time

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VHS Tapes

Many people hold on to old VHS tapes for various reasons. They may contain family videos or wedding videos. Or they may just have old shows or musical performances that you can’t find anywhere on a digital format. However, the fact is that VHS tapes degrade over time in various ways. In 10-25 years, you’ll find that there’s a 10-20 percent degradation. Here are some of the ways in which VHS tapes degrade: Continue reading

Video Editing Can Leave Great Impressions on Viewers

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Video Editing

Video editing can leave a great impression on viewers. For any storyteller, there is one crucial element to the process. Famous authors, screenwriters, and playwrights go through numerous drafts of their story before finally settling on that perfect story, ready for production. During this drafting time, they must edit the piece. Editing is the process of eliminating content from the final product and splicing together the remaining content. Editors decide what is necessary and what is not in order to achieve the intended goal of the production. Writers are often told to “kill your darlings,” where they have to eliminate content that is unnecessary to tell the final story. Editing does not always involve elimination. Sometimes it is the joining together of other elements. Continue reading